The partners


The High School was established in 2013 by merging «Gheorghe Marzescu» Secondary School Iasi, a school with a tradition since 1926, with the Technical College of Electronics and Telecommunications founded in 1973, with a total number of   667   students and  80 employees.

Our school has 2 main buildings: Building A-the high school and Building B-primary and secondary levels. The school is situated in a working-class neighbourhood.

The students in our school come from families with precarious financial situations, many of them come from rural areas and, in primary and secondary school there are  30% Roma pupils, 25% of the pupils being with SEN, included in mainstream education.

We are a school with a tradition of vocational and technical education in IASI, our city. The school became operational in 1973 under the patronage of the «Tehnoton» factory.


FRAMEWORK is an Italian not-for-profit association active in the fields of adult education, Youth, and VET, using both formal and non-formal education techniques and methods. 

The mission of the association is to promote lifelong learning and professional development opportunities for all citizens in need of wider and stronger employability skills, digital competencies and in general better skills to achieve their professional and life plans. In particular, we are guided by 3 key principles: inclusion, empowerment and sustainability. Those elements are present in everything we do and are the key to ensuring us we are offering the right opportunities to pour targets and allow them to increase their skills and ability to participate in society.

Branżowa Szkoła I Stopnia Stowarzyszenia «Edukacja-Młodzież» w Pleszewie. The school was created in 2005 as a non-State school right.  There are 120 students who educate in the fitter of buildings and finishing works, carpenter, cooker, confectioner, and hairdresser. Our students are in age 14-18. We employ 28 teachers and 3 administrative staff. Our goal is to help youths at risk of marginalization or social exclusion, improve their social and professional activation including acquiring new qualifications, compensation for arrears of educational skills in the use of information technology, increase the motivation to learn and search for employment, to increase their self-esteem and responsibility for the task.

The Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPSantarém) is a public Portuguese Higher Education Institution with more than 35 years of experience in the fields of higher education and applied research. IPSantarém also develops a lifelong training programme and an international student and staff exchange programme. It is connected to several research centres in different fields of expertise and has a strong connection with the regional community.

AEGARE has set up a supra-regional Business Angels Network, with investors or patrons from Galicia, Madrid, Aragon and other autonomous communities, in which different entrepreneurship projects are supported. This initiative aims to boost entrepreneurship and investment through the implementation of different and complementary activities with which it is intended to inform and attract entrepreneurs and investors.

Evliya Çelebi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is a public school offering vocational training programs to prepare students for various positions in the hotel industry, restaurants and travel agencies. We provide vocational training with 27 teachers and 6 administrative staff. There are 440 students aged 14-19.

The school provides educational services in Accommodation, Food and Beverage and Foreign Languages such as English, Russian and German.

The use of training kitchens, restaurants and practice hotels provides the students with professional skills. Also, summer training provides the students with job training and post-placement.